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May 20th conference
Rosemary, Nina and Julia agreed to attend and report back on our behalf.

• Lots of signatures collected on petition but many more are needed. To renew the media campaign. Hard copies available.
• Agreed to approach schools to pledge support for refugees. Danielle to resend pledge form.
• Hold a public meeting early September, in the museum if possible. Danielle to talk to museum. Ask Eva to present the drawings she has. Contact drama group (Luisa?)
• Resubmit motion in September
Nina and Georgina talked about their experiences of supporting refugees in the harrowing conditions of Calais and Dunkirk. People are living in the wet and damp. Liquid mud is knee high. Shelters are flimsy. Many children on their own. Small groups and charities are supporting and making friendships and creating bonds. No central organisation.
Agreed NTS will support collections and donations that go to the local organisations that regularly visit Calais and Dunkirk.
Georgina reminded the meeting that Asylum Seekers who make it to Britain have no resourcces;
no clothes, no food, no money and also need our support. She is supporting groups in Birmingham.
Collections can be sent to Jungle Care and Helpful Humans.
Cash donations can be made to Helpful Humans
St Annes, Northampton may also be receiving donations.
St Anne’s Orthodox Parish 7 Cattlemarket Road, Northampton NN1 1HL Tel: 07967123471
Email: [email protected]

Please also see Care4Calais
Next Meeting June 20th 6pm at the University. Room to be confirmed.