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Northampton Town of Sanctuary was first established on the 12th November 2015. In the following year, 2016, we established our youth group. The group is named Learn 2 Live or L2L. We aim to collaborate with all local groups and organisations in Northampton. We hope to engage local schools, faith groups, voluntary organisations and others interested. We aim to build a town wide movement for sanctuary for people seeking asylum or people who are refugees.

City of Sanctuary is a national movement that Northampton is proud to be a part of.

It started in Sheffield in 2007 and now involves over 50 Cities and towns. Even some villages are joining in.

Cllr. Danielle Stone says, “What we hope to do in Northampton is to get local organisations, businesses, schools, colleges to pledge that they welcome refugees and will offer them a safe space and friendship.

We know that people are arriving in Europe traumatised through war, civil unrest, torture and rape.

We know that refugees undertake the most perilous of journeys across deserts, across mountains and across seas.  And sadly, as we see on our television screens, some do not survive. This winter, those reaching Europe and those in camps in Lebanon and elsewhere, will be cold and hungry and in need of our help.

We have always been a welcoming town and we will play our part when our turn comes to offer refugees sanctuary.  We do not expect the numbers we are asked to take will be very great.  It is the principle that is important. We care.

As we work with our communities to make Northampton a safer, cleaner, greener, town we can include in that a welcoming town. A town that extends the hand of friendship to those in need.”


Please contact Cllr Danielle Stone for further information – [email protected]



Our dream is that, with your support, welcoming those seeking sanctuary will become the norm throughout society.

You can donate online via  Peoples Fundraiing