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Looking back! ESOL Classes for Refugee Women 2024

One of our projects at Northampton Town of Sanctuary is the “ESOL Classes for Refugee Women,” with the help of our inspiring volunteers ESOL teacher John R. and the TESOL students from the University of Northampton. Since then, the programme has received great feedback from both learners and volunteers. So, let’s have a look back at their successes throughout 2024!


NToS Teaching Assistant Volunteers from University of Northampton and ESOL Teacher John R., 2024

For the students, learning English is incredibly important – it helps them to understand the people around them, to access medical care, and is a pathway to employment. Some students expressed that they are interested in exploring higher education, and these classes are the first step on that journey!


ESOL classes are already helping the students to achieve these dreams. At the end of 2024, 60% of the students said they were moderately confident with their English skills, and 40% said that they were very to extremely confident. And in the coming year, they will be further studying listening, reading, grammar and test-taking – all helping them to gain the skills necessary to reach the next steps of their journeys.


Classroom for ESOL Classes with Teaching Assistant Volunteers from University of Northampton and ESOL Teacher John R., 2024

According to them, John has done an excellent job of tailoring the classes for the various skillsets amongst the cohort, and this shows in the appreciation of the students. 100% of the refugee women who attended the classes were satisfied with the lessons, calling their ESOL teacher exceptional. They said that his teaching was clear and understandable and helped them to heighten their confidence.


This year, John and the nine student-volunteers taught an average of nine refugee women each week, and delivered 28 hours of ESOL classes. We’d like to celebrate this, and to congratulate both our teachers and our students on their achievements this year!


If you’re a refugee, migrant, or an asylum-seeking woman interested in attending these classes, please email [email protected] for more info. We look forward to welcoming you!